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BC's lung screening program
For most up to date information, please visit: BC Cancer's Website


Find out if you are eligible for screening in 2 easy steps!


Step 1: Age & Smoking History

You meet the first step of eligibility if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • 55 to 74 years of age;

  • Currently smoking or have smoked in the past; and,

  • Have a smoking history of 20 years or more


​If you think you may qualify for screening, please call the Lung Screening Program at:


If all of the above criteria are met, you will move onto step 2 of determining eligibility.


Step 2: Complete a phone consultation

A program navigator will conduct a 5-10 minute phone consultation with you over the phone fora risk assessment. They will ask questions about your smoking history, age, ethnicity, family
history of cancer, and other details related to their health profile. These questions are asked so that BC Cancer can provide an equal opportunity for everyone who would benefit from lung screening to participate. You do not have to answer any questions you are uncomfortable with and this will not affect your participation in the program. These questions are designed to help generate your risk of developing lung cancer in the next six years. If you are found to have a >1.5% risk of developing lung cancer over the next six years, you are considered eligible to participate in the Lung Screening Program.


You may not be eligible to be screened through BC's Lung Screening Program if any of
the following apply to you:

  • Coughing that does not go away or gets worse;

  • Coughing up blood or rust-coloured spit/phlegm

  • Shortness of breath or chest pain that is always felt and gets worse with deep breathing or coughing

  • Have been diagnosed with lung cancer;

  • Are under surveillance for lung nodules;

  • Have had hemoptysis of unknown cause or unexplained weight loss of more than five kilograms in the past year*; or,

  • Are currently undergoing diagnostic assessment, treatment or surveillance for life-threatening conditions (e.g. a cancer with a poor prognosis or on home oxygen therapy for severe lung disease as assessed by the referring physician).






There are two different ways to go about it! 

Where can i get screened?

Hospitals currently participating:




There are over 35 locations in British Columbia where you can get screened!

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