The American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative works closely with Congress to raise awareness for lung cancer. On December 1st, 2020, the Senate Resolution we co-drafted in support of lung cancer awareness and lung cancer screening was passed by unanimous consent. Here are more details about our advocacy work below.
S.RES 462
Designating November 2021 as ‘‘National Lung Cancer Awareness Month’’ and expressing support for the early detection and treatment of lung cancer.
We worked with Senators Tina Smith and Marco Rubio to draft S.Res.462, “Expressing Support for Lung Cancer Awareness Month and for the early detection and treatment of lung cancer." It was passed by unanimous consent in the US Senate.
Click Here to view the Senate resolution
Katherine’s Lung Cancer Early Detection and Survival Act of 2021
We worked with Congressman Brendan F. Boyle (PA-02) and U.S. Senator Tina Smith (MN) to draft "Katherine’s Lung Cancer Early Detection and Survival Act of 2021". This bicameral legislation is to expand coverage for lung cancer screenings to help detect cancer in more patients earlier and to save more lives.
Click here to view the bill
Right now, the law only requires coverage of free lung cancer screening for individuals from ages 50 to 80 who currently smoke or have quit smoking within the past 15 years. However, data shows that non-smoking populations also have high rates of lung cancer. And too often lung cancer is diagnosed late, when the disease is already at an advanced state.
Specifically, this bill would:ï‚·
Remove limitations that prevent access to free lung cancer screening for people over the age of 80 and for individuals who quit smoking more than 15 years ago.ï‚·
Allow coverage for those who have a high risk of lung cancer due to genetic, occupational, family history, or other exposures and with a referral from a specialist who can explain the benefits and harms of screening to the patient, regardless of age or smoking history.
S.RES 780
Designating November 2020 as ‘‘National Lung Cancer Awareness Month’’ and expressing support for the early detection of lung cancer.
We worked with Senators Tina Smith and Marco Rubio to draft S.Res.780, “Expressing Support for Lung Cancer Awareness Month and for the early detection of lung cancer”. It was passed by unanimous consent, marking the first time the Senate has passed a resolution recognizing the importance of lung cancer screening.
Click Here to view the Senate resolution
H.R 1192
Expressing support for the goals of November National Lung Cancer Awareness Month and for the early detection of lung cancer.
We worked with the co-chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus to draft H.R.1192 in support of lung cancer awareness month and the early detection of lung cancer. This resolution was introduced in October 2020 by Congressmen Brendan Boyle and John Rutherford!
Click here to view the House resolution
Other relevant lung cancer legislation
Children's Product Warning Label Act of 2019
This bill would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act such that children’s cosmetics containing talc would be required to include an appropriate warning unless they are shown to be asbestos-free. Asbestos is known to cause cancers such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Protecting American Lungs and Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2020
This legislation updates requirements regarding the safety, sale, and advertisement of tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery systems. The bill extends FDA regulations on tobacco to all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. Also, the bill prohibits flavors other than tobacco in a tobacco product and prohibits flavored products for electronic delivery systems except in specified circumstances.
Veteran’s Right to Breathe Act
The act provides a presumption of service connection to burn pit-exposed veterans for certain conditions. This allows certain illnesses diagnosed in burn pit-exposed veterans to be assumed to have been caused by conditions during their military service. Based on this, health care benefits and disability compensation can be provided.
S. 1107 / H.R. 2222
Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act of 2019
Passage of this bill would require the Department of Health and Human Services to perform an interagency review of the status of women in regards to lung cancer. This review would report on current research and gaps in the existing research. The review must identify opportunities for further research into the causes of lung cancer and ways to promote prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Also, the review would recommend strategies for national cancer screening and public education campaigns.
The American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative works closely with members of Congress to write and introduce legislation that will help fight the deadliest cancer in the United States. If you are interested in learning more or would like to become an advocate, please contact us at info@alcsi.org.